小仙子舞裙 水石榕 Fairies’ dance skirts

水石榕 白花開公園池邊常見水石榕芳踪。



水石榕Hainan Elaeocarpus。原產海南,因此亦稱海南膽八樹及水柳樹,學名是Elaeocarpus hainanensis,其實是杜英科常綠小喬木,而非桑科榕屬。


They are now commonly grown in parks and along pond side.

Hainan Elaeocarpus are a lovely sight. In days when there are no flowers, Hainan Elaeocarpus stands and waits gracefully by the pool with its slim figures and upright oval leaves, like a petite lady tree. Sometimes they give you a little Japanese Zen touch. When you sit quietly and ponder in its shade, you feel your breath slowing down.

I love the blooming in May and June best. I see a pretty little fairy dancing in her beautiful tutu dancing skirts, in the tassels-like edges of Hainan Elaeocarpus flower petals!

By its name, Hainan Elaeocarpus originates from the Hainan province of China. Its scientific name is Elaeocarpus hainanensis. It is in fact an Elaeocarpaceae small evergreen tree, rather than of the Moraceae Ficus genre.

Hainan Elaeocarpus has alternate narrow lanceolate or oblanceolate leaves with toothed edges. Small white fairy-skirt flowers blossoms in racemes; flower bracts are ovate, edge toothed, and base slightly cordate . Olive-like drupes come in smooth skin and hang plentiful from the tree.

This entry was published on June 12, 2013 at 4:16 pm. It’s filed under Seasons, TreeNotes and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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